Hasenheide 54, 10967 Berlin-Kreuzberg
030/ 694 11 47
Mail an: post(at)sputnik-kino.com
Genre: Musikvideo, Livemusik
Regie: diverse
Land: DE
Länge: Min
FSK: 12
  dF = deutsche Fassung (German version)
Icon Sprache OmU = OmU = Originalfassung mit (deutschen) Untertiteln (Original version with German subtitles)
Icon Sprache OV = OV = Originalversion (Original Version)
Icon Sprache_OmenglU = OmeU = Originalfassung mit englischen Untertiteln (Original version with English subtitles)

Tickets online kaufen oder reservieren? Bitte wähle den Tag oder die Sprachfassung und klicke auf Tickets.


DE 2024 | Musikvideo, Livemusik | R: diverse

The 24th SUPPORT LOCAL MUSIC VIDEOS screening with a pre-screening live concert by OKTOBER.

This Wednesday, March 26th | 8-10:30 pm

Doors open at 8pm. Live concert by OKTOBER begins at 8:30 pm. The screening starts at 9:30 pm with 16 Berlin music videos presented on the big screen at Sputnik Kino (@sputnik_kino).

Popcorn and drinks at the concession stand! Come connect with your community and culture in a unique, safe, and fun insider location in the heart if Berlin city.

16 BERLIN MUSIC VIDEOS featuring...

  1. KelseyBrae


  3. Orbital Gloom

  4. Atomic Fruit

  5. Chris Wong

  6. Make A Move

  7. Vyka

  8. Karoline Kaminski


  10. Daniel de Boer

  11. Solar Powered Moon Town

  12. Jamila & The Other Heroes

  13. Zora

  14. Cactus for Breakfast

  15. La Iris

  16. Alan Gogoll

Edited by Johanna Fischer

Hosted and Organized by Nate Bernardini

With these words, we warmly welcome you, your date, your family, and your friends to sputnik kino to discover 16 Berlin-based songwriters, their original songs, and their music videos.

Tickets are 10€ | Available online (tap the link in bio!) or at the door.

The screening will be followed by an after party in the lobby. Many of the artists and videographers will be attending, and you’re welcome to stay after and talk to locals about the epic videos being made in our explosively talented city.

Webseite zum Film >>>


DE 2024 | Musikvideo, Livemusik | R: diverse


The 24th SUPPORT LOCAL MUSIC VIDEOS screening with a pre-screening live concert by OKTOBER.

This Wednesday, March 26th | 8-10:30 pm

Doors open at 8pm. Live concert by OKTOBER begins at 8:30 pm. The screening starts at 9:30 pm with 16 Berlin music videos presented on the big screen at Sputnik Kino (@sputnik_kino).

Popcorn and drinks at the concession stand! Come connect with your community and culture in a unique, safe, and fun insider location in the heart if Berlin city.

16 BERLIN MUSIC VIDEOS featuring...

  1. KelseyBrae


  3. Orbital Gloom

  4. Atomic Fruit

  5. Chris Wong

  6. Make A Move

  7. Vyka

  8. Karoline Kaminski


  10. Daniel de Boer

  11. Solar Powered Moon Town

  12. Jamila & The Other Heroes

  13. Zora

  14. Cactus for Breakfast

  15. La Iris

  16. Alan Gogoll

Edited by Johanna Fischer

Hosted and Organized by Nate Bernardini

With these words, we warmly welcome you, your date, your family, and your friends to sputnik kino to discover 16 Berlin-based songwriters, their original songs, and their music videos.

Tickets are 10€ | Available online (tap the link in bio!) or at the door.

The screening will be followed by an after party in the lobby. Many of the artists and videographers will be attending, and you’re welcome to stay after and talk to locals about the epic videos being made in our explosively talented city.

Webseite zum Film >>>

Genre: Musikvideo, Livemusik
Regie: diverse
Land: DE
Länge: Min
FSK: 12
  dF = deutsche Fassung (German version)
Icon Sprache OmU = OmU = Originalfassung mit (deutschen) Untertiteln (Original version with German subtitles)
Icon Sprache OV = OV = Originalversion (Original Version)
Icon Sprache_OmenglU = OmeU = Originalfassung mit englischen Untertiteln (Original version with English subtitles)

Tickets online kaufen oder reservieren? Bitte wähle den Tag oder die Sprachfassung und klicke auf Tickets.