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Genre: Dokumentarfilm
Regie: Miki Mistrati
Land: DK
Länge: Min
  dF = deutsche Fassung (German version)
Icon Sprache OmU = OmU = Originalfassung mit (deutschen) Untertiteln (Original version with German subtitles)
Icon Sprache OV = OV = Originalversion (Original Version)
Icon Sprache_OmenglU = OmeU = Originalfassung mit englischen Untertiteln (Original version with English subtitles)

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DK 2022 | Dokumentarfilm | R: Miki Mistrati

The Ivory Coast. In large letters on the wall of a house we read: ‘Child labour is forbidden on the plantations.’ A young girl strokes the wall. And US attorney Terry Collingsworth should actually be relieved – because the world's largest cocoa producers signed an agreement to end child slavery. That was twenty years ago. What has happened since then? The system of slavery and human trafficking continues. And Nestlé and Cargill are using it to systematically exploit children for cocoa production. Terry wants to take the billion-dollar chocolate giants to court – and finally takes the case to the US Supreme Court. But Terry needs more evidence. On the Ivory Coast, he sees the abuse getting even worse. And suddenly he’s being threatened with a lawsuit himself.

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DK 2022 | Dokumentarfilm | R: Miki Mistrati


The Ivory Coast. In large letters on the wall of a house we read: ‘Child labour is forbidden on the plantations.’ A young girl strokes the wall. And US attorney Terry Collingsworth should actually be relieved – because the world's largest cocoa producers signed an agreement to end child slavery. That was twenty years ago. What has happened since then? The system of slavery and human trafficking continues. And Nestlé and Cargill are using it to systematically exploit children for cocoa production. Terry wants to take the billion-dollar chocolate giants to court – and finally takes the case to the US Supreme Court. But Terry needs more evidence. On the Ivory Coast, he sees the abuse getting even worse. And suddenly he’s being threatened with a lawsuit himself.

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Genre: Dokumentarfilm
Regie: Miki Mistrati
Land: DK
Länge: Min
  dF = deutsche Fassung (German version)
Icon Sprache OmU = OmU = Originalfassung mit (deutschen) Untertiteln (Original version with German subtitles)
Icon Sprache OV = OV = Originalversion (Original Version)
Icon Sprache_OmenglU = OmeU = Originalfassung mit englischen Untertiteln (Original version with English subtitles)

Tickets online kaufen oder reservieren? Bitte wähle den Tag oder die Sprachfassung und klicke auf Tickets.